Generations is one of my favorite Trek movies, some of the themes in it resonate with me deeply. I initially started sketching out a different concept for this piece, but my dad started talking about focusing on the saucer separation, or even Veridian III… I decided to go all in and make a Generations piece.
I started with Star Trek Online. I got a Galaxy ship with the proper ability, used the game’s ability to DemoRecord to record me getting into a fight and my stardrive section exploding. I was happy to be able to find a similar angle to the popular movie shot looking over the saucer at the exploding stardrive.
From there it was just choosing, placing, and layers different elements.
I even managed to hide a Bird of Prey in there. I was going to delete it after I put it in and later found I no longer had a place for it, but then had the idea to hide it.